How to lead a Life Group using Google Hangout
As we move into Holy Week, we are keenly aware of how things are different this year. And yet, come Sunday, we know the tomb will be empty.
In this week’s update, Rev. Mollie offers an overview of the Holy Week offerings including:
As has been our long standing tradition, WUMC will use their Easter offering as an opportunity to support some local, regional and international projects. This year, we have decided to tithe on the total offerings and will take 10% of the total giving and divide it between the following organizations and projects:
The Nehemiah Mission
Flat Rock Homes
Teach | Reach | Bless, the Bishop’s initiative to build a women’s dormitory at Africa University
WUMC’s Food Pantry, serving Cleveland’s west side.
In addition to offering live stream for worship, you can also call into listen to worship.
You can call one of these numbers:
+1 (929) 205-6099 US (New York)
+1 (312) 626-6799 US (Chicago)
+1 (301) 715-8592 US
and then use meeting ID: 741 306 8167
After entering the meeting ID:
Your faithful giving is always critical to the ministries of this church, and we especially need your continued faithfulness during this time of great uncertainty. You may mail your checks to the church, use the online giving option, or use your bank’s bill pay option.