FAQ & Forms

What Should I Expect When I Visit?

As you enter Westlake United Methodist Church you’ll experience the energy that comes from a diverse group of people coming together to celebrate God’s gifts and seek meaning and purpose in their lives. All people regardless of their age, race, social and economic background, and sexual orientation are welcome in this congregation.

You’ll find people dressed up, down and every which way on Sunday mornings, so come dressed as you feel comfortable!

Our worship service is held at 10:00 a.m. Sunday mornings. There are visitor parking spaces near the front entrance reserved for your convenience. Children are welcome. We offer Sunday School for kids age three to grade six is at the same time. Children’s worship bags are available at each entrance for those who prefer to have their kids with them in worship.

When you arrive, look for the friendly greeters at our entrances who will be happy to help direct you. The sanctuary is at the front of the building on Center Ridge Rd. The infant and toddler care rooms are upstairs on the same level as the sanctuary. For all other Sunday School classes go downstairs to the Visitor Welcome Station in Fellowship Hall where a greeter will take you to your class. Click here for a map of the facility.

The 10:00 worship service balances time-tested worship practices with relevance to current times. Inspirational messages draw on modern illustrations (and a dash of humor) to connect age-old Christian teachings to real life challenges. A variety of musical styles helps to support the worship experience. Most people refer to the worship service as classic, but informal and open.

Your level of initial contact is your choice. We don’t put anyone on the spot. However, we have a gift for first time visitors, and we would love the opportunity to greet you personally. Sharing some contact information is helpful for us in following up, but it is certainly not a requirement.

We value the Bible as central to the Christian faith and we also believe that the Bible and its interpretation should be used in a way that includes people. It is our hope that you’ll want to learn more about the Bible and that our opportunities for Bible study will help you gain understanding of God’s word and its meaning for your life.

We celebrate Communion at the 10:00 service on the first Sunday of each month and at other services as appropriate. We also offer communion on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Sundays of the month from 9:30-9:45am in the Narthex. You do not need to be a member of our church or a United Methodist to participate; you only need to seek to follow Christ. We use un-fermented grape juice and offer gluten-free and dairy-free bread so that all can participate.

Access to the building can be made from the front circle drive, up the ramp into the main lobby. Alternately, there is handicap parking available at the rear of the building from which access to the elevator is made at the end of the education hallway. Handicap accessible bathrooms are located immediately opposite the elevator on the basement level.

An extra wheelchair is available in the parish nurse’s office. Please ask a greeter or usher who will bring it to you.

Office signs are in Braille as well as print. Large print bulletins are available from the ushers.

Audio equipment is available from the ushers for those with hearing impairments.

Following the service there is a time of fellowship as the congregation gathers in fellowship hall on the lower level for light refreshments and a chance for the church family to be together. During the summer months, coffee and refreshments are served on the east lawn, weather permitting.

The people of Westlake United Methodist Church believe strongly in discovering and strengthening the connections that God has put in place. We realize that it is a difficult process to determine if a church will be a fit for you. We welcome your questions and look forward to assisting you on your journey to find a church home.