As disciples of Jesus Christ, we pledge to share our “prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.” The church is fully supported and financed by those who participate in it.
The annual stewardship program is an opportunity to give back to God a share of the countless blessings God has so generously bestowed on us.
This year’s campaign teaches biblical and spiritual principles of generous giving, encouraging each person to answer the question, “What percentage of my income is God calling me to give?” People of the church prayerfully consider if they can Step Forward in Faith, to share at least 1% more of their financial resources with Westlake UMC in the year ahead.
On Consecration Sunday, November 17, there will be a special moment in worship to offer and bless an Estimate of Giving card that makes a financial commitment to the church’s ministry and mission for the year ahead.
Here is a chart that shows percentage giving
Here are some FAQs regarding the stewardship campaign
Here are the member testimonial videos
If you would like to make an estimate of giving to Westlake United Methodist Church, you may use this online form that goes to the church’s financial secretary.
Thank you for your commitment to the church. May God bless you as you fulfill this estimate in the coming year.