Sharing God’s gifts is, for us, an act of faith and worship; a demonstration of who we are and what we value.
– Brian Bauknight
How we function as stewards of God’s gifts is an expression of our faith. Westlake United Methodist Church is financed solely thru the financial gifts of our members and friends. With everyone contributing and growing toward tithing (giving 10% of their income), our community of faith is able to be about the ministries that enrich the kingdom of God. As we are part of the United Methodist connectional system, our giving has incredible, far reaching impact.
Westlake Church is embarking on a new stewardship initiative called “Faith Giving”. Faith Giving is based on the belief that God will provide for the financial needs of the church if the church is serious about doing God’s will. Church stewardship has little to do with giving to meet budgets. It has everything to do with giving as a method of trusting God and doing God’s will at the local church level.
Here’s how the mechanics work. Each individual or family is asked to prayerfully consider what they plan to give to the church in the coming year; they then write the amount on a card the church supplies. The “estimate of giving” card is returned to the church. The church, however, does not open the envelope. It proceeds on faith, trusting that God will provide if the church focuses its attention on doing God’s will. One year later, the church returns the unopened envelope to each giving unit as a reminder of its “estimate of giving.”
Faith Giving accomplishes at least two things. First, it focuses attention on doing God’s will rather than meeting a budget. Second, it lives out what the church teaches and believes; that God will provide for the ministry that God is calling our church to be about.
Would you like to know more about Stewardship & Faith Giving? Please contact the church office or Rev. Abby Caseman.
Throughout history, people have had many and varied feelings and thoughts about money. Jesus spoke more about money than any topic except the kingdom of God.
A money autobiography helps us understand the role of money in our lives. We explore our past to see how our attitudes and assumptions about money were formed. By exploring our attitudes and assumptions, we can see how we manage money and how money manages us.